3 signs to watch out for when she is comparing you with someone else

There is nothing as simple and at the same time as complicated as a relationship. What makes it even worse is the complicated nature of ladies behavior. If humans were devices, permit me to say that women are an advanced version of men. The fact that she doesn't even know what she wants is scaring enough. It is quite hard to decipher what is going through her mind because she doesn't even know herself. Her multi tasking nature has made her to do things which are generally impossible for men. While in a relationship, the lady can go to any length to make the man better, she can do all things possible to make sure he is exactly what she wants him to be. In a bid to do this, she may end up comparing her man with others and thus, may lead to the relationship breaking up. Here are some signs to look out for whenever a lady is comparing you with someone. 1. She complains about your attitude I don't even know who made the rule that it's a lady'...