
Showing posts from May, 2017

3 signs to watch out for when she is comparing you with someone else

There is nothing as simple and at the same time as complicated as a relationship. What makes it even worse is the complicated nature of ladies behavior. If humans were devices, permit me to say that women are an advanced version of men. The fact that she doesn't even know what she wants is scaring enough.  It is quite hard to decipher what is going through her mind because she doesn't even know herself. Her multi tasking nature has made her to do things which are generally impossible for men.  While in a relationship, the lady can go to any length to make the man better, she can do all things possible to make sure he is exactly what she wants him to be. In a bid to do this, she may end up comparing her man with others and thus, may lead to the relationship breaking up.  Here are some signs to look out for whenever a lady is comparing you with someone.  1. She complains about your attitude  I don't even know who made the rule that it's a lady'...


With the alarming rate at which crime grows in our present day society, one is left but to wonder whether we still have an element of humanity running through our veins. The inhuman nature of man has continued to encroach into his sense of humanity and has made him nothing but a mirage of his true self which is a total opposite of whom he really was supposed to be. The disturbing headlines carried by our national dailies is a clear indication that our morals have gone to sleep on the bed of civilization and our conscience have been put to bed by the lullabies of contemporary literature which has fed us nothing but junk leaving us to vomit and defecate all manners of inhuman activities which cannot be thought of even among the animals. Our cherished possessions, norms and values have been thrown into the gutters simply because the creative and critical thinkers (writers) who are the primary custodians of morals and values have failed in their capacity to remind us of their v...

Apart From Sex,what Should A Guy Ask For In Relationship?

To be honest with y'all, I am afraid of how relationships are turning out to be these days. Gone are the days when people in a relationship gave all they had just to make the other person happy. The only thing we are now interested in is Self Interest Now (SIN). The wedding night has lost its value and importance, a lot of people have even experienced it several times before it arrives. You can read my article on what people do on their wedding night here This post is written as a reply to my previous post on what ladies could offer in a relationship apart from sex. You can read the previous article here. Here are three things I think guys should ask for in a relationship apart from sex 1. LOVE Let the lady love you for you, not out of pity or what you can offer her in terms of material things. It is called a relationship not an employment. The lady should be able to take care of herself even without your help. Ask for her undying love and not her body. When you have her ...

3 things people do on their wedding night

Okay, I guess you are also as eager as I was. The wedding night activities has been so over hyped that we think of so many things that may likely happen on that day. For our present day generation, the wedding night has already lost its meaning because most people are not anticipating to participate in something for the first time. They have had their wedding night several times before the real one. Am sure many of you are already thinking what I once thought. It was that same thinking that led me to ask some people questions about what they did on their wedding night and I decided to compile the list by choosing the top three. 1. Sleep: The wedding arrangement and events is so hectic that all the newly weds want to do is hit the bed and rest their bones. A lot of them end up sleeping throughout the night. 2. Gist: After the wedding, the bride and the groom will want to sit down and analyse what happened throughout the day. They will talk about how their friends danced, h...

Ladies, Apart From Sex, What Else Can You Offer In A Relationship?

Relationships are now losing there true meanings. People no longer understand what a relationship truly is or why they are in it in the first place. What even made it worse is how kids now regard it as their playground.  Relationships are great, they are nice and worth engaging in but when the two parties have no idea as to why or what trigger them into the relationship then they have succeeded in wasting each other's time and resources. Read my article on why do people date  Permit me to say, apart from sex and romance almost 80% of ladies don't have anything to offer in a relationship. Sex is not part of a relationship in the first place, it was not even supposed to be part of the agenda, it was not even supposed to be among the things to be offered in a relationship, it was just an act created for procreation.  A healthy relationship goes beyond holding hands, kissing like pigeons, romancing each other, engaging in activities together, it is all about sa...

Sex before marriage; merits and demerits

We now live in a world where everything is all about sex. We find sex everywhere; on the road, kitchen, books, movies, adverts, and the list is just endless. Sex in itself is not bad, but the way, manner and time of engaging in it is what qualifies it as either being good or bad. Take food for instance, it is needed by the body, but when taken in excess can also lead to some sicknesses or discomfort. There has been a lot of teachings going on about whether engaging in sex before marriage is good or bad. Find below some merits and demerits of engaging in sex before marriage. PLEASE NOTE: THIS ARTICLE IS NOT SPEAKING FROM ANY RELIGIOUS POINT OF VIEW AND IT IS STRICTLY FROM WHAT THE WRITER THINKS Merits 1. Expossure: Engaging in sex before marriage exposes both parties to what sex really means. It also helps the duo to be able to know about each other's sexuality. However, if this exposure is not well controlled, it can lead to an obsession or addiction where the parties i...

3 Signs Of A Healthy Relationship

Congratulations, I heard you are in a relationship. Inasmuch as it is good not to be alone, it is worst to be in a relationship which ends up making you worse than how you were initially. Relationships are supposed to be an avenue for self improvement, a time of learning and understanding each other but all this is now considered meaningless in our contemporary time. These virtues which were the secrets to the long lasting relationship our parents engaged in are now considered archaic by today's lovers. Most people don't even know why they are in a relationship in the first place, they don't have a reason for being in a relationship. All they want to do is to have someone to call their own and be intimate with. Read my article on why people date. What then is a healthy relationship? A healthy relationship is that relationship where the love is mutual, both parties are respected, each person's view is considered and given priority, not abusive, not self centered, ...


In the first paper, we discussed how we can be able to understand what we can do as a person in order to discover our hidden potentials and know who we are. Well knowing what you can do well is actually not the first step but it is needed in order to give you an insight into who you really are. I believe you are already overwhelmed by your findings and you are already excited. Well, knowing what you can do can be very exciting but it is just a means to an end. So what’s really the first step to self-discovery? It is answering the question of identity; who am I? Knowing what you can do is the second step but the first cannot be achieved unless the second is already established. Who are you? A lot of people get all worked up the moment someone asks the question who are you? This very question has triggered brawls and serious fight among men and women. So in this paper, we shall be addressing this question to classify you, your traits and personality. Knowing these steps will ...

What if Hell, Jesus and God Never Existed, will you regret being a Christian?

I have noticed an aberration under the sun. A lot of people serve God not because of whom he is but because of what they have been told. A good number of people who now regard themselves as Christians were either born into the religion or became devoted members because of the fear of hell fire and eternal damnation. People don't serve God for whom He is but rather are afraid of the stories they were told by others. Oh, hell is a place pf torment, a place where the worms never die, a place where the thirst cannot be quenched, a place where all sinners will swim in the eternal lake of fire, yes according to the books, hell is a place you don't want to witness even for a day. But wait a minute, are we after missing hell or following after Jesus because  he is worth it, is our believe in Christ based on the fear of hell or his compassionate love. If at the end of it all, you discovered that Heaven, hell, Jesus and God were all fiction, will you regret ever following the pat...

Die-hard survivor: baby clutches unto IUD implanted to prevent His Birth

Due to the economic hardships associated with the world population, a lot of parents have now decided to go into birth control to help them effectively plan their family life. These ways of preventing pregnancies by the man or woman range from oral contraceptives, condoms, diaphragms, to intrauterine device (IUD) among others. IUD or coil is a device inserted into a woman's uterus as a form of birth control. It is a "T" shaped contraceptive that is a small and flexible piece of plastic inserted into the uterus by a doctor and can cost anywhere from 0 to $1,000 depending on coverage. The benefit of using IUD is that it can last up to 12 years and it is considered 99% effective. Dexter pictured below was born on April 27, 2017 despite his mom having an IUD inserted on August 2016 thus making him among the negligible 1% of babies who are born as a result of IUD fails. Four months after inserting the IUD, she was confirmed to be pregnant and her doctors were of the op...

3 Things That Can Kill Your Relationship

Beware! Not everything is applicable to your relationship. Some of the things we see on screen are nothing but the ideas of a writer who is looking for money. A lot of relationships have crash landed in the forest of perdition and are today nothing to write home about simply because those involved thought they could use other people's ideas to run their relationships. No matter the level of the relationship, be it friendship, flirting or even marriage, there are factors that lead it to an early grave when care is not taken. Find below some habits that can kill your relationships. 1. Lack of understanding Most marriages and relationships fail to stand the test of time because both parties failed to understand each other. In a relationship, love is not always enough as understanding has a greater role to play. Have you ever wondered why you and your parents or sibblings get along so well? Understanding is the key. 2. Lack of trust After understanding, the next big t...

3 Things I observed from WhatsApp's Shutdown

Life indeed is an irony. We now live in a an era where we are connected to the whole world but disconnected from our immediate counterparts. WhatsApp had a temporary shutdown yesterday and there was a lot of noise concerning it. Truth be told, I was also one of the people who feared losing my WhatsApp. I even considered going back to my abandoned 2go application aimply because I had been so attached to WhatsApp. During the whole time WhatsApp was down,  here are 3 things I observed. 1. People had time to be creative While reading the several...


The greatest problem man has faced is not what to eat or wear, it is the problem of identity. Man as an entity lives in a world where he has no idea of whom he truly is and why he ended up here. Whether your origin of man takes its root from Adam or The South African ape, one thing that is certain is that man was created or has evolved to solve a problem. He was meticulously tailored to occupy a niche and fill a vacuum. There is a reason behind why man is quite different from every other animal on the surface of the earth. For quite sometimes now, questions such as “why did man evolve to acquire such a sophisticated brain than other animals in the primate family, why did he develop speech as an act of communication” have been the subject of science debates. These questions and many more have led men to their laboratories seeking for answers. Believe it or not, you are like a coconut drupe covered by a hard shell known as self and the real you is embedded in this shell. ...