Ladies, Apart From Sex, What Else Can You Offer In A Relationship?

Relationships are now losing there true meanings. People no longer understand what a relationship truly is or why they are in it in the first place. What even made it worse is how kids now regard it as their playground. 

Relationships are great, they are nice and worth engaging in but when the two parties have no idea as to why or what trigger them into the relationship then they have succeeded in wasting each other's time and resources. Read my article on why do people date 

Permit me to say, apart from sex and romance almost 80% of ladies don't have anything to offer in a relationship. Sex is not part of a relationship in the first place, it was not even supposed to be part of the agenda, it was not even supposed to be among the things to be offered in a relationship, it was just an act created for procreation. 

A healthy relationship goes beyond holding hands, kissing like pigeons, romancing each other, engaging in activities together, it is all about sacrifice. A lot of ladies now beleive the only thing they can offer in a relationship is sex and nothing else. 

Well, here are other important things you can offer in a relationship that are way better than sex. 

1. Time 
After God, the next thing humans should believe in is TIME. It controls everything on earth. When you give your time to someone or something, you offer up something that can never be regained. Time is precious and will never stop for anyone. Offer your time to build your relationship. Give your partner the time he desires.

2. Love
Love is not sex and sex can never be equal to love. Love should be unconditional, should not be self seeking... (Am feeling like a pastor now). Until you love that person as yourself, see him/her as yourself, respect him/her, then love is absent from your lives. Anyone who says sex is a proof of love is a liar trying to have his way. If sex is really a proof of love, then I think the prostitutes should be the best lovers the world has ever seen.

3. Resources 
Love is expressed in giving. When in love, try to offer up your resources to grow the relationship to the next level. No gift is too big or too small, just cut your coat according to your material. 


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