3 Signs Of A Healthy Relationship
Congratulations, I heard you are in a relationship. Inasmuch as it is good not to be alone, it is worst to be in a relationship which ends up making you worse than how you were initially. Relationships are supposed to be an avenue for self improvement, a time of learning and understanding each other but all this is now considered meaningless in our contemporary time. These virtues which were the secrets to the long lasting relationship our parents engaged in are now considered archaic by today's lovers.
Most people don't even know why they are in a relationship in the first place, they don't have a reason for being in a relationship. All they want to do is to have someone to call their own and be intimate with. Read my article on why people date.
What then is a healthy relationship?
A healthy relationship is that relationship where the love is mutual, both parties are respected, each person's view is considered and given priority, not abusive, not self centered, not self seeking and the list is just endless.
A healthy relationship is one which is aimed at making the other person better, loving the other person not because of what he/she has to offer but because they are supposed to be loved.
Here are four signs that you are in a healthy relationship
1. The love is mutual:
Many people are of the opinion it is impossible for both parties to love each other equally, it is either he showers her with the love or vice versa. Love is supposed to be mutual. When one party shows more affection than the other, the relationship is bound to fail. The guy or lady may feel cheated when the love is not reciprocated and this may terminate the relationship.
In a healthy relationship, the duo try as much as possible to love each other equally.
2. Both parties have an understanding of each other:
Both parties involved in a relationship need to understand each other's personality and behaviors, know when he/she needs space, wants to feel special, needs to be pampered, kissed etc. Only a healthy relationship can boast of good understanding between the two parties
3. It is not abusive
Yes it's true that ladies like to be scolded and corrected, it is true that guys want to be advised but what is not true about this is when people use this as a yardstick to abuse the partner. A healthy relationship carries out correction in love. Insulting her will not make her anyway better than what she already is, engaging her in a combat doesn't prove your Lordship over her. No healthy relationship is ever abusive...
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