3 Things That Can Kill Your Relationship
Beware! Not everything is applicable to your relationship. Some of the things we see on screen are nothing but the ideas of a writer who is looking for money.
A lot of relationships have crash landed in the forest of perdition and are today nothing to write home about simply because those involved thought they could use other people's ideas to run their relationships.
No matter the level of the relationship, be it friendship, flirting or even marriage, there are factors that lead it to an early grave when care is not taken.
Find below some habits that can kill your relationships.
1. Lack of understanding
Most marriages and relationships fail to stand the test of time because both parties failed to understand each other. In a relationship, love is not always enough as understanding has a greater role to play.
Have you ever wondered why you and your parents or sibblings get along so well? Understanding is the key.
2. Lack of trust
After understanding, the next big thing in a relationship is trust. You can never love someone you don't trust and the case is not vice versa. Trust is seeing your man or woman with someone else and still give them the benefit of the doubt. Mind you, there are people who shouldn't be trusted most especially when they betray the first trust.
You can be mistaken for a fool but trusting him or her helps you to have a peaceful life.
3. Comparison
Permit me to say this, no two love affairs are exactly the same. Because it works for you doesn't mean it will work for someone else. Learn to believe your partner and respect his/her opinion on things.
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