CAUSES OF RAPE: His Mindset or Her dressing?

Our national dailies are inundated with unpalatable occurrences of rape and sexual assault inflicted upon man by man. For quite sometimes now, rape and sexual harassments have taken over the major scenes in our media houses.

It is no longer news that our world is mad about sex. In order to satisfy man’s carnal desires, he has created sex dolls and devised means of enjoying sexual pleasures by any means possible.
Rape is an act of forcing somebody into a sexual relationship without the person’s approval. It is also an act of deriving sexual pleasures against the person’s will. Based on this definition, both genders can be raped. It is should, however, be noted that the female gender is always at the receiving end when it comes to rape matters.

The cause of rape in our society today has been attributed to the nudity in the dress sense of our ladies. It is unequivocally clear that our ladies dress to look or feel sexy but is that enough reason to be raped? I don’t think so.

We now live a sexually perverted generation where everything is all about sex. Permit me to say that a day is incomplete without coming across something that has to do with sex in our generation today. We find sex in books, games, television, songs, and the internet and even on adverts. Because sex sells, it is now part and parcel of every advertisement. It is impossible to advertise an ordinary toothbrush without bringing a sexy girl to the scene.

Our parents lived with ladies who were almost naked. The ladies moved around with about 75% of their sensitive parts on display but they hardly raped them. At this juncture, I will conclude and say they had the fear of God and listened to the teachings of their parents.

Both parties have a role to play in terms of who is to be blamed as the cause of rape. First, the lady now dresses to feel and look sexy. If she dresses sexy then that means she needs someone to have sex with her. Ladies now go about advertising their goods to all and sundry and still go back home downcasted when they get abused because of her dressing. Abd-ru Shin once wrote and I quote “the woman of subsequent creation is ashamed to cover 75% of her body if fashion considers it archaic but can expose even more just to be accepted by the society.” It is not all about being labeled as happening, hot or sexy, it is all about dignity and self-worth. Dress to cover your nakedness and not to feel hot or sexy.

The man’s mindset has been corrupt by what he hears and sees on daily basis. It is true that he is moved by what he sees but his mindset is so corrupt that he can no longer control the instrument between his legs. If it was the woman’s dressing that aroused his sexual feelings, how can we justify the fact that he ends up having carnal knowledge of a toddler or an animal? What attracted him to them? Is it the baby’s diaper or the animal’s fur? I will leave you to be the judge of that.

We all have a role to play in the mental health of our society. What we do today will definitely come back to us someday. Treat her like a sister and not just another lady dressed sexily to attract men to herself. Let the men lower their gaze while the women watch what they wear.

The man is high on libido, don’t try to arouse him to the point he can’t control what he feels.  

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