How Watching pornography affects your brain

The human brain is the most powerful single item in creation (or evolution) that has the highest processing power at which it produces results. It has capabilities the smartest of all devices can only dream of. It can process millions of data within a short period of time. It has been proven from researches that humans end up using only 4% of their brain in their entire lifespan with the 96% lying dormant. As powerful as the human brain is, there are little things that temper with It's functions. Things such as stress, depression and addictions are the brain's worst nightmare. The brain is like a big balloon and addiction is a tiny needle. One of the leading addictions in the world after drugs is Pornography. Porn addiction has been a major challenge and concern ever since the internet became available and accessible to everyone. The porn business is growing daily with loads and lots of stars arising from it. Tonnes of clips are produced per minute. These porn videos a...